NBA Best Ball Rankings 3-Man Leagues -- Underdog Fantasy

The NBA season starts in 10 more days and Underdog Fantasy continues to be the leader in Basketball Best Ball. They offer 3-Man, 6-Man and 12-Man $5/$25 GPP’s. I recently dropped my initial NBA Rankings article here.

In this article I want to focus on the 3-Man leagues and how to attack them and share my rankings. With 16 rounds and 3 teams we are looking at a total of 48 players drafted in these leagues. Breaking it down further the typical roster construction I have been seeing in these is a 6 Guard, 6 Wing, and 4 Big build. Let’s say that all three teams build this way that leaves us with 18 guards, 18 wings, and 12 bigs drafted. Just to be safe I will rank the top 60 players for the 3-man formats with 22/22/16 total players in the rankings.

My general strategy in these 3-man drafts has been to go heavy on my Guards and Wings to the point I almost only draft the two positions with my first 12 round picks. I always know that I can get four great Bigs at the end of these drafts although I might not get a Davis, Towns, or Jokic on my team I feel like loading up at Guard/Wing gives me a big advantage. I sometimes will miss out on Embiid, Adebayo, and Drummond types as well but I will always end up with a 4-Bigs combo of players like Williamson, Vucevic, Ayton, Sabonis, Gobert, Nurkic, or Collins.

This strategy might limit the high upside points you can score from the Bigs position but you are banking on having advantages over the other two teams in your league at the Guard/Wing positions. Remember you start 2 Guards, 2 Wings, 1 Big, and 1 Flex. Only having to start 1 Big makes the other two positions that much more important as you start two at each position with the opportunity to start a third at your Flex spot.

NBA Best Ball is relatively new to everyone drafting on Underdog, so strategies can change rapidly and there really is no right or wrong way to draft. My advice would be to try a few of these drafts in the $3 range ($25 3-mans are also available). After you draft 3 or 4 of these $3 3-mans, go back and examine each draft and each team in those drafts and how they constructed their roster, totals at each position, values, over drafted ADP, etc. I have now drafted a total of 37 of these 3-man $3 leagues and always feel great after putting together 6/6/4 roster builds with waiting on the “Bigs” position to the final rounds.

The 3-mans are quick and easy to draft and most of all FUN!

If you are a fan of these rankings or just want to discuss Best Ball in general feel free to contact me via Twitter @JamesBrimacombe

If you don’t already have an Underdog Fantasy account, sign up here. (new users please enter Eaglezzz).

You can upload my 3-Man Rankings on Underdog Fantasy via this CSV link.

  1. Click CSV Link above (This site)

  2. Go to Rankings (Underdog website)

  3. CSV Upload/Download

  4. CSV Upload

  5. Click “Save”


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NBA Best Ball Rankings - Underdog Fantasy (FREE)